Aug 23Liked by Nadia Reid

Happy birthday! I’ve also had a birthday this year :)

Time is an unusual thing. I can understand why Prince chose to ignore it. Or perhaps it’s just the way we have given it numerals. By counting up we become aware we are also counting down. Best ignore it I reckon.

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But seriously, enjoy your birthday Nadia. Have a lovely day :)

And thank you for the gifts you’ve given me with your music x

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Thank you Alan x

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Aug 23Liked by Nadia Reid

Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday too!

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Happy birthday to you!

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Aug 22Liked by Nadia Reid

Love this and can relate to motherhood helps us to nurture/process our inner child. It's lovely to hear you've found such a great community there, it can be hard thing to come by.

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Thank you Kat x

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Aug 25Liked by Nadia Reid

Happy birthday! Excited about new music but happier that you’re leading such a rich life. Cheers.

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Aug 23Liked by Nadia Reid

Lovely post, to which I connect to. Birthdays are special times of celebration and the cycle coming round for our children is full of feeling. As a ma of 3 (now 17, 20 and 22 yrs) and remembering motherhood, the time and the changes that occur go madly quickly and agonisingly slowly.. I remember thinking this often. So interesting to read your posts about pregnancy and motherhood; do write that book if you feel compelled whilst you are still in it and? maybe? invite other artistic parents to contribute.. I would have so loved a good book to read during pregnancy and beyond, but not any old book on parenting as they are two a penny. The experts all have their views on how to do it - I gave up on them ..(although Tracy Hogg's Baby Whisperer was my go to at the time), but I would have liked to have read a book that is written by creative people people who are juggling the desire (need?) to create and express themselves with the rigours and routines necessary to bring up a sane(ish)ly adjusted family. I struggled with this at times. But somehow at the end of the tunnel, we came out the other side and two of mine are hell bent on making it in performing arts without any pressure from me. I don't know how it happened but something in the magic worked for us all. Wishing you a very happy 33rd year. Looking forward to the new music. I discovered you when you came to Norwich Arts Centre on the Preservation Tour. For me it was a sublime gig, I can still remember vividly; I was late to the gig (probably settling the kids!) and walked into your beautiful clear vocals that were reverberating around our lovely small venue and enveloping the audience who were small, but appreciative. That album was an antidote at the time, played so many times and remains a great favourite. Wishing you well with the release of the new music and forthcoming tour. Very best to you and and your family.

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I love this note - thank you x

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I wish I had something more inspiring to say other than "I love your music". I play it in my bedroom on days when I know it will be a stressful day for my cats. (The plumber is coming, the handyman, etc.) I think it has grown on all of us. I'm not sure how I stumbled on you... It was a playlist about Australia, I think. It's been a lovely, wonderful discovery for me. Please don't ever stop writing and performing. Congratulations on your latest human addition.

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Thank you Veda x

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