Jun 18Liked by Nadia Reid

Ah the trickeries of life . Hope the journey continues to enable you to enthrall us with your beautiful music and story telling.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

What a beautiful surprise to receive your booootaful picture, one o’ lock in the morning in Auckland!

All the best, Kuro

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I hope you feel settled and welcomed here in the UK. Sometimes the world doesn’t feel as tolerant of differences as it should but we are fundamentally a peace loving country. Saw you a couple of years back in The Kitchen Garden in Birmingham and loved the vibe you are able to create. Best wishes to you and yours x

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I am so looking forward to your new album, and all of the possibilities it hopefully will open for you. Congratulations on being a new mama, too.

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Can't wait to hear your new album, Nadia. I think you played a couple of new ones at the St Pancras Church show last year (was it)? They sounded wonderful...

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Good to hear from you, Nadia. As always, we're amped for the new album, and look forward to our next chance to seeing you play. But in the meantime, it's good to hear that you and the whānau are enjoying life. Only a decade more of your music, though? Let's not call an end to it too early... I reckon you'll have even more to share of value later than that... don't you? No pressure, though! We're compensating for the lack of NR shows with other shows, of course... Mel Parsons was great on Saturday (all NR fans should check her work out if they haven't, obvs) and tomorrow night it's Ha the Unclear..... woohoo! I stumbled across a recording that had some of your as-yet-unreleased songs recently and was reminded of how good they are and what we have to look forward to. Arohanui ki a koutou.

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Isn't motherhood incredible?! Looking in the rearview mirror myself, the only warning I'd give is not to work too much if that's at all possible... I beavered away through a lot of the years when mine were little and now they're debating, self-sufficient teenagers - and I want to claim it all back. Needs must though, aye? Ngā mihi for your mahi :)

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Lovely advice. I will try to find a good balance ♥️

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

My local pub in Macclesfield had Call The Days on the playlist last night and it was so lovely to hear you in the wild I got a bit emotional! Excited for #4.

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I love this x

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come and play at The Prince Albert in Stroud!

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Glad to know everything is going fine in your life. Hope we can have new fresh songs from you soon.

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Soon… yes ❤️

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So glad to hear you're settling in after all the upheavals. More music would be nice, too, but on your own terms and schedule is perfectly fine with me!

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